Sunday, 12 August 2007

Tory madness of 'red tape' cuts

John Redwood’s proposals to reduce so-called ‘red tape’ are unbelievable as they advocate abolishing the working time directive, and reducing protections for workers. How does scrapping the working time directive fit into Cameroon’s stated aims of making the work life balance? Also how can John Redwood say that more regulation of pension funds decreased investments, the current problems were caused more by companies taking ‘pension holidays’ than any regulation or taxation. How will reducing health and safety laws help Britain become more competitive, as any cut in health and safety laws would mean going back to the old days where work place accidents were commonplace. I think that health and safety laws should be tightened, not loosened and a corporate manslaughter law introduced.

John Redwood says that the deregulation of the telecommunications industry was a good thing, and indeed it was but the deregulation of the buses outside London was a total disaster. Also George Osbourne helped form the report, but a Tory spokesperson tried to distance George Osbourne from the conclusions in the report.

Also how ould repealing parts of the Data Protection Act help businesses?
The Data Protection Act is there to protect employees and any weakening of the regulations
would put employees at more risk of personal information being stolen or mis used.

The CBI goes on about red tape affecting small firms yet is calling for the abolishing of the needs test when a supermarket is proposed for development on the outskirts of a town. Yet this is more to do with helping big business than small companies the CBI goes on about when it wants to complain about red tape affecting small firms.

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