Friday, 24 August 2007

Rhys police hunt teenage killer

I hope the killers of Rhys Jones when they are caught are locked up and the key thrown away for at least 25 years hopefully longer otherwise the killer or killers will be out when they are in their late 30s when Rhys Jones’s life was cut short at just 11. The ‘gangsters’ that carried out the attack are mindless thugs and they get encouragement from videos posted on YouTube, whilst I think restricting access to the web in the main is the thin end of the wedge, YouTube should remove all violent ‘gang’ videos and such like as soon as they are spotted. I think that if YouTube thinks pornography is unacceptable on their site then violent ‘gang’ videos should also be banned.

Having said that I think the media reporting of such incidents sensationalises the violence and encourages the public to think that youth violence and disorder is rampant. I think whilst there are a sizable number of youths involved in violence I think tarring them all with the same brush is a bit unfair.

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